Shopper Rewards Plugin for WP-eCommerce

Shopper Rewards for WP-eCommerce 4.2

Tags wp-e-commerce, store, rewards, points, shopping
Minimum WordPress Version 3.5
Tested to WordPress Version 4.1
License Pye Brook Company Inc. Software License at
License URI
Compatible_to_wpec_version 3.9.2


Give shoppers a reason to come back and make additional purchases. Create sophisticated affinity programs that integrate tightly with the WP-eCommerce coupon system.

Support from

Features Highlights

  • Shoppers Earning points based on amount spent
  • Import historical purchases
  • Points history available to shoppers on their WP-eCommerce account page
  • Integration with the WP e-Commerce Coupon System
  • let customers change points into coupons
  • Customer point redemption self-service
  • Customers can easily redeem points on their WP-eCommerce account page

You Can Configure Points Redemption Options

  • Redeem points for percentage off a future purchase
  • Redeem points for fixed discount off a future purchase
  • Redeem points for a free product with a future purchase
  • Customers can exchange points with each other (premium feature)

Easy To Use Points Management

  • Import existing sales and give points to your past customers
  • See total points earned for any customer
  • See points awarded or redeemed for each transaction
  • Administrator Manual Redemption

Configure For Your Store and Rewards Program

  • Configure points earned per unit of currency
  • Brand your rewards program with any name you choose
  • Easily change any of the prompts and messages given to shoppers
  • Exclude products from earning points by product category
  • Exclude products from earning points by product term

How Shoppers Can Earn Points

  • Making purchases


Customize your rewards program name and redemption options. Bring customers back to your site. Shoppers Shoppers can redeem their points from their WP-e-Commerce user profile. Administrators can also redeem points on shoppers behalf, and give them a coupon code. Shopper rewards works with the WP-e-Commerce coupon features to give you full control and visibility to how people are using your rewards program.
Easily import past sales and give your existing customers rewards points.
Customers create their own coupons by redeeming points from their user profile.
Customers can see the history of rewards points earned, and rewards points redeemed.
See your rewards program status in the WordPress dashboard. Status screen gives you directions on how to setup and manage your rewards program
See each customers total points earned, with their email address and name. You can remove a customers earned rewards points manually.
See each transaction for every customer and how many rewards points are earned, or how many rewards points are redeemed.
Name your rewards program anything you want! Setup the prompts shown to the customer when they redeem rewards points. Add terms and conditions customizing your rewards program for your store and for your customers.
If there are products that you don't want to earn rewards points you can exclude them by product category or product tag.
Add custom redemption options and levels to your rewards program.

Frequently Asked Questions

What version of WP-eCommerce does this plugin require? or above

Change Log


  • Minor bug fix, page refreshes properly when turning om or off logging


  • Added registration page
  • Limit width of displayed coupon by adding maxwidth to .shopper-rewards-coupon style in style.css
  • Bug Fix removed left over call to deprecated WPEC system that was interfering with coupon creation
  • Support remote_information panel updates to give you remote_information when you contact us with a question


  • Fix warning that appeared in wp_debug mode
  • Fix style sheet that was always security blurring names and emails


  • Updates for WordPress 4.1
  • Updates for marketplace


  • Miscellaneous updates and bug fixes
  • User interface updates for WordPress 4.0


  • Readme updates


  • Initial Release


Important! Remove the previous version

  1. Log in to your WordPress Dashboard
  2. Select Plugins on the administrator menu to display all of your installed plugins
  3. Find the Shopper Rewards for WP-eCommerce plugin in the list
  4. Find the Deactivate link, click it to deactivate the older version of the plugin
  5. Find the Delete link, click it to remove the older version of the plugin (your settings will be saved)

Install Using the WordPress Plugin Uploader

  1. Download this plugin to your computer
  2. Find the Plugins->Add New on the administrator's dashboard menu, select it
  3. Find the Upload Plugin button near the top of this Add Plugins page, click it
  4. Find the Choose File button, click it, then select the plugin you previously downloaded to your computer
  5. Click the Install Now button
  6. Click the Active Plugin link
  7. All Done!

Manual Install

  1. Upload and unzip into the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress

Other Installation Options

  1. You can also manually install the plugin using the instructions found at the WordPress Site
show_on_frontpage_slider: yes
pbci_license_it: 1
pbci_basename: pbci-shopper-rewards-basic-for-wpec

Price: $40.00

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4 thoughts to “Shopper Rewards Plugin for WP-eCommerce”

  1. we have multiple businesses that award points to employees that they can redeem at our online store. Are we able to manually set up the employee (customer) accounts and add points to those accounts periodically from the backend?

  2. Hello I am interested in purchasing this plugin if I can get it to work correctly. I am coming up with error and was wondering if this is something you have seen before. Could you email me and I could send you the error I am getting?

    Talk to you soon!

    1. Hello Michael,

      Email the error information to and I will take a look.

      The commercial version of the plugin is a bit more up to date than what is in the wordpress repository. The free version update is coming as soon as the remaining holiday shopping work is finished.

      If you want to go ahead and try the version from the store pay with PayPal, and take a day and confirm that it does what it is supposed to do. If you want a refund at the end of that day I will make that happen for you.


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