About btHeart

We are working on the documentation for the application.  To get you started a primer of the main screen is below.  Tap on any of the graphs to zoom in on the live picture.


The heart rate data read from your heart rate monitor is recorded in a text log file.  The file is in the standard “CSV” format and can be imported into spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel or Google Docs.  The  log files are on your device’s SDCARD, in a directory named “hrmlog” . btScale always writes its log to the file named “hrm.log”.

restartworkoutEvery time you select the “Restart Workout” option the “hrm.log” file will be renamed using the current date and time.  A new HRM.LOG file will then be created.   You can delete any of the logs in this directory at any time they are not in use.

Download and Install MedTalk™

Download and Install the Application

Download MedTalk from the Android MarketOn your Android 2.2 telephone, PDA or tablet open the Android Market Application and find the MedTalk Application.

There are three easy ways to do this:

(1) On your device, scan the QR code to the right


(2) Open a web browser on your device click the link on the right


(3) On your device, open the Android Market and search for “MedTalk”

MedTalk™ SNOMED-CT Browser uses the SNOMED-CT data licensed to Pye Brook Company, Inc. by  National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine.  Our license allows us to distribute only into IHTDSO member countries.  The MedTalk application asks your device to tell it the current country.

Open the MedTalk application.  One of the next three screens will be displayed based upon the country you are in…

Can’t Determine Countrydownload_no_country

If MedTalk can’t determine the country you are in you will see an informational message.

At the bottom of the screen is a button you can click to re-check your location.  Sometimes re-checking will allow MedTalk to determine your current country.

If re-checking does not work, we can manually confirm that you are in a member country if you send us an email. After we confirm that you are in a member country we can provide you with instructions on how to manually download the MedTalk SNOMED data and install it.

download_non_membersCountry Not Allowed

If MedTalk can determine which country you are in, but that country is not enabled for automatic data download and installation, you will see an informational message.

At the bottom of the screen is a button you can click to re-check your location.  Sometimes re-checking will allow MedTalk to determine your current country.

If re-checking does not work, we can manually confirm that you are in a member country if you send us an email. After we confirm that you are in a member country we can provide you with instructions on how to manually download the MedTalk SNOMED data and install it.

Application Confirms That Your Country Licensed

download_member_countryIf MedTalk can determine the country you are in and that country is enabled for automatic data download, you will see an informational message

At the bottom of the screen is a button you can click to start the SNOMED-CT download.

After you confirm that you are connected to a reliable, high-speed network (it’s a lot of data!) click the download button.

If the download does not complete because it is too much to send over your network connected, we can manually confirm that you are in a member country if you send us an email. After we confirm that you are in a member country we can provide you with instructions on how to manually download the MedTalk SNOMED data and install it.

Click “Yes” to confirm you are ready to download and install the data.


Acknowledge the data and application copyrights…


Do you have enough space on your sdcard?

The application will warn you one more time about the size of the data set.  Click ‘”Yes” to continuedownload_storage_notice

MedTalk SNOMED CT Database downloads from the Internet

The compressed database will begin downloading from the Internet…


MedTalk SNOMED CT Database decompressed

After the compressed database is downloaded, it will automatically be decompressed to your sdcard


Download and Install Complete

When the MedTalk SNOMED CT database has been downloaded, decompressed and installed you will see a message.  Click “OK” when you are ready.

MedTalk Status Information

statusAfter the download and install completes, and when the MedTalk SNOMED CT Browser first starts, you will see a status screen.

On the screen is information about the database, the dataset used to create the database, and the information in the database.

Click your “Menu” button and select the search option to perform a SNOMED CT search.  


Configure Android Search Provider settings_medtalk_snomed_highlight

The MedTalk application can also be configured to provide search results whenever you search using the “Search” button on your device.  Use your device settings screen, “search” option to add MedTalk as a search provider. 

If you enable MedTalk as a search provider, it will give you search results along with the other s4earch providers., like Google, on your device.

MedTalk™ SNOMED CT® Browser

MedTalk™ puts the entire SNOMED-CT concept database in your pocket.

If you are an medical information professional or medical technology integrator you know how hard it is to find the right SNOMED-CT concept or identifier to use when transmitting data to or from a medical information system.  medTalk puts the entire SNOMED-CT nomenclature in your pocket.

The application and all the required data  are installed on your Android based telephone. After the application is installed it doesn’t need to be connected to the internet.

The easy to use application is fully searchable and easily browsable.  You can search for the exact SNOMED-CT concept, search for a word that might be part of the conceptif you know it.  OR you can search for a related term and then browse the SNOMED-CT hierarchy until you find the exact concept that you need.

Read More

keeping in touch with wideShout

Pye Brook Company, Inc.’s wideShout ™ service enables organizations of all size to put up to date information about their current activities and offerings into the hands of their customers and members while avoiding the clutter and vagaries of eMail broadcasts and SMS based social networking platforms like twitter.

When you sign up for wideShout™ we will provide:

  • a custom branded application for each of the three major (Android, iPhone and Blackberry) mobile platforms.
  • An easy to use, internet and mobile accessible, web interface where you can quickly create “wideShouts”  to be sent to your customers, constituents, or members.
  • Low monthly fee, typically $20, per month

wideShout services are ideal for small and large organizations.

Perhaps you are a business with a base of loyal customers that you want to stay in touch with, you can use wideShout ™, for example:

  • Restaurants that want to update and alert customers on daily or weekly specials, or current menus
  • Grocery Store that wants to tell customers about the weeks current specials

Perhaps you are an organization that is run by the members, you can use wideShout for the benefit of the members, here are some ideas:

  • A labor union local that wants its members to alert its members on activities and opportunities
  • A Taft-Hartley health and welfare fund that wants to keep members informed about benefit plan changes or health care discounts

Club or interest based group that wants to publicize its activities to its constituents can sue wideShout:

  • Church or synagogue updating its congregants about services, activities and interests
  • Country club updating its members on golf events, tennis tournaments and social events

Community or political group seeking to inform, organize and move its constituents to action will benefit from wideShout:

  • Political candidate or office holder that wants to inform constituents on accomplishments, activities, challenges and opportunities
  • Community organized group that wants to inform interested individuals of plans and activities, organize flash crowds

Contact us to learn more about our easy to use wideShout services by sending an email to info@pyebrook.com

what we do

Welcome to Pye Brook Company Inc.

We are a dedicated group of technology, business and marketing professionals that know how to leverage technology to solve real world business problems.  We have specific expertise in large inter-network architecture; community and social network applications for business; healthcare and transportation electronic data interchange; data extraction, dispersion and integration; and general systems architecture.

Our clients have leveraged our expertise in support of activities ranging from formation of information management and technology strategy to recovering from information technology projects gone bad.

We have ongoing commercial software development activities in the mobile data acquisition and collection industry.  We have released several commercial software applications for the Android, Blackberry and Apple iPhone platforms.  We support several clients in their continued use of social-networking and internet technologies in building community and loyalty among their customer base.

Contact us to talk about your technology needs.